The gift of being fully present

The gift of being fully present.

One of the best gifts we can contribute within our workplaces is to be fully present in the way we show up.  

We would radically transform and make our organisations better, if only we learnt to listen more deeply.

Let’s think about the positive benefits for people and relationships

  • People feel they matter
  • They are heard
  • Opinions are valued and respected
  • Conversations and interactions are more meaningful
  • There are positive wellbeing benefits for both parties

Listening is something we all think we do well, but how much does perception match the reality?

What does it mean to be fully present?

  • It’s about being self- aware regarding how you show up yourself
  • An ability to self-regulate our language and behaviour
  • A more conscious way of reading people’s body language, mood, and expression
  • When our presence helps to engage, stimulate thinking, encourage ideas, share learning, and challenge people to deliver quality outcomes

It’s in the small things the big things happen.  Every conversation and interaction matters.  We change things one conversation at a time.

Here’s a quick suggestion

In your next conversation or interaction think about whether you are fully present or not?  Are you focussing on this specific conversation with another human being, or is your mind drifting to the numerous other stimuli you’re bombarded with?  Are you approaching this conversation as a mere exchange of information or are you connecting at a human level in a more meaningful way.

Even small, subtle changes in approach can lead to a powerful difference being made.  If we are consistent and show up fully present so that it becomes habit, it can act as a catalyst for others to follow this example.

The business of business is people.  Giving the present of your full presence is a wonderful gift!

#present #humanisingworkplaces #peoplearethebusiness #humanHR

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At Apex HR, we believe in challenging the status quo when it comes to people at work. Outdated HR thinking and methods just won’t cut it in a rapidly changing and dynamic world. It is time for a new approach.