Apex HR provides a range of outsourcing and consultancy services to support the aim of building effective and successful companies.
Having the right people in business is key to building an effective and successful Company. Apex’s Recruitment support service offers an external perspective to support your recruitment needs.
Recruitment can be a costly process if it is not done right, it can also be a very time consuming activity. We are able to offer different levels of support to help with your recruitment needs.
For example, we have supported clients with preparing attractive adverts, managing the application process, shortlisting and above all making the recruitment process as humanly as possible.
We believe, that for each individual that applies for a role, they should be valued and recognised for the time and effort they have put into making their application count. Whether they are shortlisted or not, we ensure that all applicants are responded to in a timely manner. Our people centered delivery ensures that each individual has a memorable experience when applying for roles with our clients.
In our experience the benefit of having an external perspective on the recruitment gives a broader range of skills and experience which ensures appointing the right people for the roles in business.
Our recruitment support package provides different levels of support according to the needs of the business, these are tailored for your unique circumstances as a business.
Although recruitment can be a timely and costly activity, we feel there are creative ways to make the process more engaging and positive for all concerned.
We are able to support recruitment needs by really understanding the recruitment drive and needs for the business, prepare attractive and appropriate adverts for a range of recruitment platforms, manage the application process, shortlist and advise on responding to candidates, advice and guidance on invites to interviews and conducting interviews.
We are also available to support with the interview process and selecting the right candidates. As HR experts we are there to be a critical friend in the compliance of recruitment and selection to avoid discrimination or claims of unfair selection.
Above all we are there to support with making the recruitment and in some instances selection process a truly people centered experience, one in which they will remember the company for. ‘First Impressions Count!’
If you are interested in our ‘Recruitment Support Package’ please get in touch and we would love to chat with you about how we can help.